Case Study 6
Small, Creative Agency

Solely Reliant on Referrals Prior to the Pandemic
The agency was solely reliant on referrals and desperate to try something different, but had never worked with a partner before. Their budgets were also pivoting due to the pandemic.

Laser Focused Positioning
Our recommendation to the agency was to laser in on what makes them special and articulate their story to prospects they have the potential to best serve. This pivot in their positioning paired with our outbound expertise at Catapult has given them the right exposure to the right prospect at exactly the right time.

Won Over $575,000 in New Business Opportunities Generated by Catapult
Within 2 weeks of new business prospecting, two qualified meetings were set with CEOs of two highly sought after brands, and seven immediate opportunities were found from a small niche of prospects in the first month of outreach.
The agency has also won over $575,000 in new business in the last two months from Catapult generated opportunities.